Monday, April 2, 2012

Student Teaching

So, now that you did student teaching, not once, but twice, how was it?
How Do you think you and your group did?
Were you prepared enough? over enough? not enough? If not enough, how did you handle  that?
Were you nervous? Did that change after a while?
How well did you get along with your students?
Did you find them well behaved,  annoying, cute, scary, sweet, crazy, inquisitive, loud, polite, rude, etc?
Did the experiences give you an idea how your current teachers might think of you?
How does that make you feel?
Overall, did you like it?
Would you do it again? If so, is there a particular age group that you would prefer & why?

You don't have to answer every single question, this is just some ideas of the kind of feedback we would like to hear from you. Please be truthful, this is not a test. We honestly would like to know how you felt about the student teaching experience.
We think you all ROCKED IT!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


CCD CANCELLED Today Saturday Feb 11 Due To Snow!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Class Cancelled!

Saturday Jan. 21 2011.....


Have fun & play safe!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Time for CCD Again...

Well...unless you were Mrs. Whitehead who totally forgot any sense of her schedule while she is on break from college...SORRY!!!

Hopefully the rest of you didn't forget and had a good day. I believe we are stepping into the "student teaching" part of the program fro 8th graders....a part that they fear and worry about, and then when it's all over they find out they had a blast! So stop worrying about it!
 See you Saturday