Saturday, October 22, 2011

Methodist Dinner Coming Up

 Nov. 5 2011 Methodist Church Roast Beef Dinner
 Hours available between noon and 7:00pm. Help serve dinner and desserts to your local neighbors! OR just make a dessert: cake or pie(NO cookies or brownies please) 1 hour service time for each baked item. Call Mrs. DeSapio to let her know what time you can work:908-996-6337.

Food Drive

In case you were out today, we are collecting food  for those less fortunate in our community.
8th graders are to bring in  any of these items: coffee, tea, hot chocolate or powdered milk. You can bring in as much as you like. Please be sure to bring them in by Oct 29.
We can always use turkeys too!
We will be dividing up the food after church on Nov 20....Retreat Day!